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Local Merchant Categories

Mall of Sacramento is a local directory of goods, services, entertainment and events in Sacramento and the surrounding area. If you’re a local business, MOS is likely the most affordable advertizing you’ll find. If you’re shopping and don’t find your favorite store, make sure you suggest a MOS listing to them.


We not only cover the Sacramento area, we also cover many surrounding areas as well. You’ll even find some remote companies that service the Sacramento area. If your company’s not listed or you know of a company that should be listed, let us know. (916) 661-8422

Statistics: 61 Categories 14 Locations 55 Resources

Visitors can register to this directory as users and submit their own items. We have created different packages and by
connecting with our PayPal cart users can purchase more enhanced listings in this directory portal.
Feel free to contact us if you need assistance or would like us to design your listing. (916) 661-8422